Glasgow has been going Take That-tastic over the last few nights and it got me thinking about the time I met Mark Owen.
Normal people would probably have met him in fairly normal circumstances; not me.
I had to meet him in the corridor of a disabled toilet (my radio station colleagues and I had temporarily converted it to a canine creche) and try to explain that the small puppy which he was cuddling and kissing (and which was kissing him back with great enthusiasm) was there because he had a throat infection and the vet had told me to keep an eye on him.
As Mark was in the station to promote a single for his solo career, this wasn't great news to have to impart, but rather than dropping Hobbs like a germ infested hot potato, he carried on with the cuddling and then signed a photograph for him, which Hobbs still has to remind him of the moment that most women dream of - kissed and cuddled by Mark Owen.
Admittedly, he was the cutest puppy ever but damn, that dog gets all the fun!
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