Sunday 6 December 2009

Perfect Presents

Just when you think you’ve seen the last of hospital wards…

Kevin had to be rushed in this week with pains in his neck and chest, and difficulty breathing. After a lot of tests (him) and a lot of trying not to cry (me), he was diagnosed as having a condition called Dressler’s Syndrome, which causes fluid to gather around the heart.

Honestly, the things he does to get attention!!

I’m being flippant – the reality was that I’ve never seen him in so much pain and I really thought I was going to lose him.

However, the arrival of two perfectly timed presents quickly put the smile back on our faces.

First up was the milk frother sent from London by Willie and Claudia. On their last visit to us, I had mentioned that despite being a lifelong tea drinker, Kevin had recently discovered the joy that is a latte and this was their gift to help him indulge his creamy passion.

Then a beautifully wrapped box arrived from New York. It was brimming full of spiced nuts, lovingly hand-made in April Benson’s kitchen (I’m beginning to think there is nothing this woman isn’t brilliant at) and they are delicious! I had to wrestle the box from Kevin twice and even in his fragile state, he’s quite strong.

It seems there are always little things just waiting round the corner to cheer you up when you need them the most.

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