Monday 6 September 2010

Broadcasts & Barbours

It seems my stint on Radio 4 didn't have too many listeners screaming and running for the hills, so I was invited the following week to talk all things debt and shopping for BBC Radio Wales, BBC Radio York and Radio 5 Live.

While we all know that I love the airwaves - I must do, I had to get up at 6am to do one of the interviews - I really do hope that anyone in debt or with a shopping addiction gets something from these interviews; something that might just help them come to terms with what seems like an impossible situation.

If I'm perfectly honest, doing the interviews even helped me. For a couple of weeks I've been strolling past the window of a particularly lovely shop during my lunch hour - and there, waving to me from behind the safety of the glass, is a delicious grape, quilted Barbour.

Blissful Barbour

Just before I did the interviews, I had convinced myself that I could afford it and definitely needed it, but after lecturing to all who would listen about shopping only with cash, buying nothing but necessities, leaving your credit card at home (preferably sulking in a drawer because it hasn't been used in ages), I realised that I had to practise what I preached.

So, the delicious Barbour remains in the window, my credit card remains sulking in the drawer and I can sleep with a clear conscience.


  1. Well done with the Barbour! My credit card desperately wishes that I could show the same restraint. I first read your book a year ago, and am now trying to follow your advice. Not an easy project. I'm currently debating with myself whether or not a lovely pair of Camper shoes (seductively named Lulu) may be labelled a necessity... Anyway, it's fun reading your blog and I'm looking forward to the next post. Best regards, Ingunn (never heard the name before? It's Norwegian...)

  2. It,s all about the conscience!! I,ve decided to never buy anything without going home first and thinking about it, 9 times out of 10 I never go back for it, but there is always the risk that I,ll go back and it will be sold. But so far that,s never happened, so it,s a risk I,m willing to take.

  3. It,s great what a nights sleep can do to the complexion. I only have a debit card, and leave it home almost all the time.

  4. Alexis I thought I had responded to this post ages ago, it must have got lost in the vast depths of my laptop, wish I knew more about computers and what makes them tick, I refuse to blame myself.:)
    Congratulations on walking past that Barbour

  5. Sorry for not adding the comments sooner - have been swanning around on holiday and enjoying the many seasons in one day that Scotland has to offer xx

  6. Well done Alexis.....verrry impressive.
    Wee Smiths
