Wednesday 19 August 2009

Dogs, Duvets & Debt

My blissful lie in this morning was shattered by Hobbs dashing into the bedroom, jumping onto the bed (and my rib cage) and vomiting on the quilt.

This appears to be a favourite, tried and tested technique of his and is certainly more effective than the alarm clock in getting me out from under the duvet. I had the entire bed stripped and in the washing machine before I even realised where I was and that it was my day off from work.

Anyway, the extra time out of bed and away from dreaming about how one day I’ll wake up and the entire Joules collection will have been delivered to my door as a gift, has been well spent.

Money - and the lack of it - is never far from my thoughts and I’ve decided that a few months of revisiting my days of not shopping wouldn’t go amiss right now.

Cash flow is fine when it’s two way but when it’s heading away from you faster than a rubber dinghy on the rapids, then it’s time to throw it a life line.

So, instead of an extra hour snoozing this morning, I used the time filling out the form to cash in my premiums bonds that have won me precisely nothing in the ten years I’ve had them and started listed unloved items on Ebay, and from tomorrow I’ll be back to my £5 a day rule until the end of November. After that, my scarily huge loan that swallows up over £350 of my salary each month will be cleared and I can re-assess how best to use the extra cash to clear my remaining debt.

Hobbs might still be feeling a little queasy but I’m feeling better already!


  1. I think you should use December's £350 to fund all your Xmas shopping - the question is - is it even possible to fit all the xmas pressies you need to buy into £350 these days? Some lateral thinking may be required! What does everyone else think?

    After that you could start January with a clean slate..... S x

  2. Nice way to wake

    Money is never far from my thoughts either, I'm always trying to think of ways to make more it!
    I'm back to eBay listing in September, trying to make a little extra cash to clear my debt. Good luck with yours.

  3. Your £5 a day spending plan has worked a wonder in reduce my debt! Thanx Alexis
